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Places to Eat in
Hanksville, Utah

Indulge in the delectable flavors of Hanksville at our partnered dining establishments, Duke's Slickrock Grill, and Stan's Burger Shak. These local favorites promise a memorable culinary journey during your stay at Whispering Sands Motel.

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Our Partner

Duke's SlickrockGrill

Duke's Slickrock Grill is a renowned Western-style BBQ grill in Hanksville, serving up mouthwatering dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. From savory BBQ specialties to hearty Western classics, Duke's promises a delicious dining experience that captures the essence of southern Utah's flavors.

Our Partner

Stan's Burger Shak

Savor the flavors of Hanksville at Stan's Burger Shak, a traditional stop for many Lake Powell travelers, where you can enjoy delicious burgers, crispy fries, and creamy milkshakes.

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